Behind the Name: What “Everlasting” Means to Me

When the world fails you, His love comes through.

JourneyEverlasting: What does that even mean? Why did I choose this name for my blog? That’s actually a loaded question. In fact, the word “Everlasting” holds more meaning to me than probably any other word in the dictionary. I can’t pass that word in scripture or hear it in a worship song without getting emotional. I have always found it to be meaningful to me, and I’ve always felt that it resonates close to my heart based on my experiences. However, as I’ve gotten older and reached adulthood, especially in the more recent times of my life, it’s taken on an even deeper meaning to me. So, I’m using this post to explain why I tied “Everlasting” into my blog title (and why I got it tattooed 6 months ago).

Okay, so here’s a little bit of background info. Growing up, I had a pretty steady childhood followed by a similar teenage experience. I never had to go through something traumatic or overly tough for a kid, and I had a strong family that supported me while I just played my sports and went to an excellent private school. Basically, I would say that I was naïve to the world and what people were capable of. And I feel extremely blessed for that. But as I continued to get older, especially as I got to college, my eyes were opened to the depravity of man. I saw, like everyone eventually sees, how easily people will fail you. How easily someone can walk out on you, turn on you, quit you, stop loving you, and basically not turn out to be who you trusted them to be. Sometimes, with the snap of a finger. And through the continual letdowns I faced, betrayals I experienced, and disappoints, the word Everlasting continued to stick out to me.

Now, I am not trying to throw a pity party here—I know that these are things that everyone figures out at some point or another. I feel like I figured it out a lot later than some, however. Through all of these experiences, the theme of God’s Everlasting love repeatedly stood out in black and white through all of the blurred lines. Someone walked out of my life? Cool, God will never do that. Someone misled me and lied to me in a way that hurt me? Cool, God will never do that. Someone’s love for me ran out? Cool, God’s love will never run out. It’s Everlasting. His love, His promises, His truths, His companionship, His comfort, His peace. It’s all Everlasting, and that’s guaranteed.

When it comes down to it, we’re all human. We’re all going to hurt people and fail them at some point or another. But, what has been made clear to me and what I hold on to so dearly, is the idea that God will never leave me, He’ll never walk out, He’ll never change His mind about what He has spoken. He holds true to His promises, and He will never change. He’s Everlasting. In every way, shape, and form. Recent events in my life have caused this truth to mean even more to me than ever before. It has become the truth I cling to and the root of the new perspective I’ve taken on. It means so much to me that yes, I got it permanently engraved on my body as a constant reminder of God’s Everlasting love. And this theme is where the name JourneyEverlasting came from.

jour·ney : verb
-travel somewhere.

ev·er·last·ing : noun
-(literary) eternity.

I put the two together. I’m on my journey to Everlasting hope, peace and joy. I’m on my journey here on earth with God’s Everlasting love at my right hand, leading me toward my Everlasting eternity in Heaven. It really is comforting to think about. When the world fails you, His love comes through.

Jeremiah 31:3
“The LORD appeared to him from afar, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.”

Psalm 103:17
“But the lovingkindness of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him”

Isaiah 26:4
“Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.”

Psalm 100:5
“For the LORD is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations.”


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